Tuesday 17 January 2012


Where were we?  Agh that's right...Kristy woke up with crutches! 
I am sorry for this gap between posts.  Between moving and working I had to put this little blog of travelling in a Kombi to the side.  However I am back and hope to continue the laughs and bring a little inspiration to travel and explore our mighty country if you haven't already.

I know you are keen to just get to the point of what we got up to that night in Broome, so here it is. 
We woke up in our sweet Applejack.  Flat on our backs, hot and Kristy moaned and put her hands on her head and said "oh man". 
You see the night before we treated ourselves to a night out.  Away from the usual beer at the campsite with fellow travellers or just alone listening to music.  No not here.  We were in Broome and it was pulling us out damn it!
The beer garden was quiet and on the big screen $500 was flashing.  We gave each other a look but Kristy wasn't budging.  She wanted the money but not the stage.  I would also like to take this opportunity to let you all know that she is really good at convincing me to do random and usually embarrassing things because she gets a massive kick out of it.  Yes followers...Kristy likes a good laugh and that is one of the many reasons why I love her.  Anyway I on the other hand wasn't ruling out the stage.  Never been too shy, no one knew me and I also wanted the money.  I knew my chances were slim but "you gotta be in it to win it right"?
I was the first to register and was hoping to be the last as I would just be handed the money stage free. 
A few drinks later and we were being called over the loud speaker.  I was nervous but I knew I would regret not giving it a go so I headed back stage.  While drinking I thought about my talents and to be honest juggling was the only thing I could think of.  Sad?  I convinced the bar to hand over their lemons.  I was going to do it my style...nothing too serious.
Getting on stage was a bit of a blur to me.  No not drunk just shaking like a dog at the beach but I knew Kristy was somewhere in the crowed supporting me and ready to capture the moment.  The beer garden had filled up quickly which I was oblivious to while mingling.  It was too late to back out.  I was on stage, lights were on and this was definately a Canon moment.
I juggled my lil heart out to the music hoping not to get kicked off stage.  I was looking for Kristy and listen to her screams while keeping the balls in the air.  There was four of us left now and then three but the English girl took the stage and it was over.  I had my adrenaline rush for the night and I was happy even without the money but as I walked off I said to the Aboriginal girl next to me "well that was embarrassing".  She said "nah girl I dunno you, you dunno me, it's alright". 
She was right it was hilarious and I couldn't wait to find Kristy.
Everyone had dispersed and the pub was back chatting.  Kristy on the other-hand was in tears, dragging herself to the nearest stable object to hold on to.  She had fallen down a step trying to get to the stage and sprained her ankle.  She was in pain! 
With great difficulty and no help from the security, to the hospital we went and in the wheelchair Kristy sat.  She moaned with pain and I was still checking the camera, still shocked there was no footage.  Then all of a sudden we thought we were on an episode of Greys Anatomy and McDreamy was heading towards us.  Yes I was relieved to know Kristy was in good hands. 
A few hours later we left with instructions to return early morning to see the Doc again.  "Oh man do we have to." ha

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