Thursday 9 February 2012

Sharks Are Harmless

As the sun went down at our camp site we took in this view

ANOTHER morning waking up next to the ocean.  Life was lovely.  Oliver was still asleep somewhere so Kristy and I went on a hunt for him.  We found him wrapped up in his hammock with his dreadlocks sticking out so we left him rise when he was ready.  Yes I know we are so kind.
When we got back to Applejack we found his novel on the cupboard.  It was written in French.  This novel kept us entertained for quite a while.  I decided to read it to Kristy and for some reason sounded like an Asian.  As hard as I tried I just couldn't get rid of the accent.  Those French classes at school clearly paid off.  Kristy on the other hand had it down pat.  
Finally Oliver showed his head and we were ready to soak up another day of sun in the much talked about Cape Range National Park.  
There are eight free camping areas and all on the beach.  Beautiful beaches.  This area on the Ningaloo Marine Park is a really popular spot so we were lucky we travelled through here in the off season because as it was we only had two options left to stay the night.
The park officers have a booth at the entrance and this is where they give you the vacancy list and book you in.  
I was told by nomads before I left that in peak season, travellers can be lined up for days to get in.  
The beauty in these beaches is the snorkelling.  Step straight off the sand and swim amongst a variety of colourful fish, coral and sharks.
I am glad I saw the sharks at the end of my swim because to be honest they freak me out!
I just don't trust these big fish.
The water pushes you gently along gently so you don't have to kick but it was a bit of a struggle for Kristy and her ankle so unfortunately she missed out on really experiencing this area.  She got a great tan though!
Also on the bank, Oliver met with his friends he had been telling us about.  
We encouraged him to hang out with them but he kept coming back to us.  I would have gladly helped him transfer his bags from Apple to their car but it turned out they didn't have enough room for him.
Oh dear unless I opened the door and pushed him out there was little chance of him leaving Apple.
there were a few vans with young Europeans so I still held onto hope that he would ask to join them on their ride.  
I even started asking a few what their plans were and would drop a hint or two to Oliver that he should go wit them as it would be so much fun.  He just didn't get it!
He no comprehend.
Let it go I kept telling myself.
Don't let it ruin your trip, just keep positive.
We moved along to the different beaches throughout the day.
Kristy was resting and Oliver was with his friends so I grabbed a....yes you guessed it, a XXXX Summer and sunk into the sand.
I was really at peace.
I looking out across the water watching a few people snorkel.  I had to look twice when I thought I saw a fin.  
A massive shark fin heading towards one of the snorkellers.
I jumped up and could see its head.  It was definitely a hammer head and it was big.
His mates were also watching from the shore.
Some were covering their eyes.  Others were pointing and others laughing while a few tried to get his attention.
Shark and man were swimming towards each other only metres apart.
All of a sudden he saw what was in front of him and I swear I have never seen anyone swim so fast in my life.
His mates were holding their stomachs laughing.
Apparently the sharks don't bite over there?
After I ran back to tell Kristy about the hammerheads getting around we saw a sign that said there were sharks and mainly hammerheads but they got enough food elsewhere so not to worry too much.
Um thanks for the heads up but not something I want to rely on.
Safe to say there were no noodie swims for us that night.
We spent the night in Applejack playing cards and having a few drinks.  
It was a beautiful area to sleep with the sound of waves and the smell of fresh sea air.
These nights I miss.

Below this water is complete beauty.

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