Tuesday 1 November 2011

I Hope This Rum Makes It Home To Dad...

DOING this round Australia trip in such a short amount of time was hard in the way that I couldn't just say "oh yeah lets do that we have plenty of time".  Instead I could only just skim the surface of everywhere and instead say "well I'll definitely have to do this next time"!
Not far outside of Kununurra is Lake Argyle.   You should have seen Kristy and I trying to decide if we should drive the extra 60km to the Lake or go on to the township of Kununurra for the night, or if we should stay one night at each?  I had been told it was gorgeous at Lake Argyle so we were in a pickle.  What to do, what to do!  We sat in Applejack at the turn-off with our fingers on the map.  I kept asking Kristy what she thought and she kept saying "I don't mind".  ha ha So we took the turn to the lake but I kept looking at the dark clouds overhead and just decided to turn around and go into town for the night as the rain may have made it a wet experience anyway.
This could have all happened for a reason so I haven't kicked myself over it even though I missed out on the beauty of the lake because as you will find out when you read on...our trip could have been completely different if I didn't turn around.

The family from Charters Towers had recommended a Caravan Park that their friends managed so we introduced ourselves, checked in and got a map of the area as we had the afternoon to relax.  I must say I really liked Kununurra.  I think there was only one place on my trip that I didn't really like but even this place that you will hear about further into my blog holds a very fond place in my heart.  Australia is amazing!!!!!
Anyway so we jumped in Apple and went for a spin, had lunch on hole one of the golf course, drooled over rivers that we were too scared to jump in because of crocs so went to plan B of a cold alcoholic beverage at the Hoochery Distillery.  Yes we are very smart gals. 
It seemed that every crop imaginable is grown in Kununurra and being the farm girl I am decided to pretend I was a tour guide for Kristy.  Kristy has the footage from this part of our trip and if I can get my hands on it, I think you too should go on the tour.
Grasshoppers also grow thick in this part of the country as Applejack's stomach found out.  I thought his insides were falling out on the road to the Hoochery with all the banging going on but we finally figured out the road ahead was full of grasshoppers and they were really batting themselves underneath.

We were the only tourists at the Hoochery but it definitely wasn't because the place was a dive.  Infact it was great and I was in such a good mood that I lashed out and bought dad a bottle of rum liqueur.  I was given the option to have it sent from the Distillery to my folks farm but I said 'nah I can get this back to Queensland without drinking it and I would love to deliver it personally.  Did it last the trip?  You will just have to keep reading to find out.

Some of the "Australia" movie was made at Kununurra, including the lovely Ivanhoe Crossing..above and below

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